Starfish |
The starfih is a marine marine animal that i shaped like a star. Starfish vary in size and color and are found in all seas. The body of this creature is formed of a disk in the midle of which is an opening for the mouth, and from which stem five arms that are similar in length and size. The upper surface is darker than the lower . In its body it has a number of solid plates from which snipes projec, on which plants and dirt often caught. Hence we fined that the bodi of this animal is equipped with small organs like tweezers with which it keeps its body clean by cicking up the things that get caught on its spines. The star fish feeds on believe molluscs which are know as shellfish. It consumes them in a remarcable manner which is itself a sign ofthe existence of Allah, Most High, and His Mercy which encompesses all of creation. Whan the starfish finds a shellfish, it places it among its arm and bends its body over it. It attaches its arms to the shell of the mollusc, then the arms pull in opposite directions until the shell opens. The sterfish is patient and tough; if it comes across a mollusc with a strong shell it keep pulling for a long time until the mollusc loses its strength and opens its shell, as if defeated by its persistence and patience.
When the shell opens, the mollusc extends (everts) part of its stomach out throgh its mouth and encircles the mollusc, then it starts to suck the contents until it ingests them all.
Coral |
Coral is one of the wonders of the creation of Allah, the Exalted, which lives in the sea at depths between five and 300 metters, where the caral attaches inself by its lower part to a rock or plant. The mouth
opening at the top of its body is the highest part of its body, and surrounded by a number of tentcles which it uses in order to feed. When these tentacles touch any prey - which is often small creatures suchas shrimp - it is paralyzed immediately and sticks to them, then the tentacles retact to ward the mouth, drawing the prey into a narrow channel like the oesophagus in humans.
One of the signs of the might of the Creator is that the coral multiplies in an asexual manner, by releasing spawn, and the resulting polyps remain united with the individuals that produced them, thus forming the coral "tree" which has avery thick stem, narrowing down greatly toward the branches. The coral tree is up to thirty centimeters long. The living colonies of coral come in various colors such as yellow, orange, red, pink, blue, emerald green or light gray. Red coral is the is solid core that is left after the living parts of the animal die. The stony skeletons form huge colonies or reefs. It used to be thought that these colonies were the summits of underwater volcanoes.
Most of these colonies or reefs are found in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, where they sometimes rise above the surface of the water and become big enough to be colnized and inhabited by people. Or they may remain hidden beneath the suface of the water where they pose a danger to dhipping.
One of these colonies is the chain of coral rock that is known as the Great Barrier Reef which
lies northeast of Autralia. This chain is 1,300 mils long and 50 mils wide, and it is formed of these tiny living creature!
Pearl oyster
Pearl |
The pearl oyster my be the most amazing creature in the ocean. It goes down to the depths where it remains inside a shell made of a hand subtance that protects it from danger, and it differs from other living beings in its structure and the way it lives, It is a fine net like a fishing net, wonderfully woben. It acts like a sieva which allow water, air and food to enterit, but keeps out sand and pabbles and so on, Beneath the net are the mouths of the animal, and each mouth has four lips. If a grain of sand or piece of pabble enters it, or a harmful animal enters the shell by force, the oyster hastens to excrete a viscoussubtance that cover it and then solidifies, forming a pearl. The size of pearls varies depending on the grain of sand. This is one of many thousand and millionsof types of primitve sea creatures, and Allah, the Exalted, knows best.
(Allah Wal-'Ilm Al-Hadith by ' Abd Al-RazzaqNawfal).